INFOCOM’23, OPA: One-Predict-All For Efficient Deployment
Junpeng Guo, Shengqing Xia (co-primary), and Chunyi Peng.
IWQoS’22, VPPlus: Exploring the Potentials of Video Processing for Live Video Analytics at the Edge
Junpeng Guo, Shengqing Xia, and Chunyi Peng.
Appl. Sci.’20, Development and research of a multi-medium motion capture system for underwater intelligent agents
Zhongpan Zhu, Xin Li, Zhipeng Wang, Luxi He, Bin He, Shengqing Xia.
CAC’20, Real-time CAD-level surface of revolution reconstruction on visual slam
ZFeng Li, Bin He, Gang Li, Ming Ma, Jian Li, Shengqing Xia.